contact us

Need Help?

Ready to get started?

Here at Baker Septic, we’re all about making things easy for our customers. That’s why we’ve streamlined our contact process to ensure you can reach out to us quickly and without any fuss.

Should you require immediate help or wish to set up a service appointment, our dedicated phone line is just a call away. Our friendly customer service team is always ready to assist you with any queries or concerns.

In case of less urgent matters or for those who prefer online communication, we’ve got you covered as well. Our ‘Contact Us’ form, located on our website, is simple to use. Just input the required details, and a member of our team will respond promptly.

Our Address



Whatcom County (360) 383-0013
Skagit County (360) 708-4881
Snohomish County (425) 231-9031
San Juan & Island County (360) 544-2040

Operation Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00